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Quarantine to-do list

In the current situation that the world is in right now, I really hope it comes to an end soon. I pray for those who have been financially, physically and mentally affected by it. It has been a bit difficult to come up with content for the blog, but then I realized that I could share my to-do list with you all during this time. I have a lot on my list, but these are the ones I think everyone can feel free to join. Hopefully I inspire some of you to create your own to do-list, and it doesn't have to be anything big.

P.S: I don't want anyone to feel like they need to have a to-do list, because the most important thing during this time is keeping your sanity and staying safe while we get through this together.

Arrange my closet:

This is the perfect time to clean my closet, also because its spring and I don't have enough space to put all my clothes from every season. So I will be doing some spring cleaning, by swapping my winter clothes and shoes for spring/summer looks.

learn a new meal to cook:

I love heathy meals, sometimes I try a little experiment here and there, but I would really love to learn a few healthy (and maybe not so healthy) meals to cook.

Workout at least 4 days a week:

This is very important for me because I have to stay fit. I am a huge snacker, and working out often will help me burn the extra calories during this time. And hopefully maintain my weight.

Watch a new show:

I have a love and hate relationship with watching a new show because of the commitment, but with with this time off, I will start up a few new shows and binge watch (I'll take some movie/film recommendation in the comments)

learn a skill on YouTube:

One thing I really haven't had patience for is doing my makeup, and I'm not so proud of it. I actually want to learn a few tricks and tips on how to do my make up especially my brows.

listen to podcast:

I actually love listening to podcasts, especially when it's motivational. One of my favorite is the minimalist podcast (link here) I will also like to start listing to educational ones as well.

ALSO TRY: yoga, meditation, reading a book, take a free online course, and keeping a daily journal.

Until next-time,


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06 Apr 2020


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