Whether you are a professional model or a girl who loves to take pictures, learning how to pose is a pretty good skill. Some people are born with it and others have to learn. I feel like over time I have learnt different posses that work for me. I used to be really camera shy because I didn't really know my angles, nor how to show differnt types of expressions and movements. Because of this, I would get over whelmed and nervous. As a freelance model, I have learnt certain tips on how to improve my posing skills. Without further ado, I will be sharing some tips and tricks on how to take great photos!
Practice, practice, practice! This is like the best way to improve your posing skill. Believe it or not I stand in front of the mirror and just move my body in different angles to see what looks best. I sometimes just set my Ipone timer to take some shots, just to see how I look with different expressions.
know your angles: Knowing your angles is everything when taking pictures, for me I know my right side is my best side. So I usually like to angle myself to show the right side of my face. I also notice that when my eyes are looking upwards instead of forward or sideways, I look unflattering. So practice your angles, look at photos of yourself to see what works and doesn't work for you.
Wear flatting clothes: Ok, this can be a bit tricky, but wearing clothes that shows your body shape can help with your posing, for example I know I have a pretty lean long neck, so I love wearing turtle neck because it shows how long my neck is. Some of you might not be a fan of having a long neck, but I love mine so therefore I like to show it. For example, if you think you have nice legs, show them by wearing skinny jeans or a mini skirt with heels, as oppose to wearing a maxi skirt.
Dance while taking picture: You might think this is weird but this is a great way to just feel free and confident. And you might get some good off guard photos that bring out a different side of you that you might want to explore more in your photos. Dance movements can create great shots.
Look on Pinterest: I personally love pinterest a whole lot, because I get a lot of ideas for not only posting but it is a great way to get some outfit inspiration as well. You can find almost every thing you need on this app, from clothing to architecture, food, home decor etc.
I hope I was able to help anyone out there, please leave a comment about what you think and share with your friends as well.
Shop the look!
Until next time,